Be Strong

One final word: be strong in the Lord and in his great power. Ephesians 6:10.

Care and protection are two actions that people seek in their daily lives. We want to be loved, cared for, and protected. These are the basic needs of an individual. Many times we turn to the arms of mom, dad, a friend, spouse or someone you have the confidence to talk about your need, whether cheerful or sad. Within each circumstance of life, we try to be the strongest and many times we think we can do it alone. But, the reality is that we just can’t. When the circumstances of life disrupt us and we can no longer be, it is time to be strong and seek the necessary help to continue the path of life.

Many times we do not only fight against the enemy of flesh but, against evil rulers and authorities of the invisible world, against powerful forces of this world in which we live. We wobble … but, today, I tell you not to fear or faint because there is someone who helps you lift, there is someone who gives you the strength to continue on your walk. When the world yells at you the opposite, when the world tells you “you can’t”, when you feel that everything is over and there is no solution, there is someone who tells you to put on his armor so that you stay strong and firm in the face of the adversities you are living. Therefore, by putting on his armor you can resist battles at all times. With his armor, you can continue to stand and fight. Who is that person and what is the armor?

Jesus is the person who gives you his armor to protect you in the midst of your battle. Not only does he give you the armor but he puts on you the shoes of peace and gives you the belt of truth, he puts on you the breastplate of justice, he gives you the shield of faith. By putting on all this armor and having Jesus in your battle, there is no devil to resist his power or the power that God has given you to be a conqueror. You are a warrior of light in the darkness. If you want to win all the battles, I present you Jesus and his army so you will not lose any battle.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Thank you for reminding me that you give us the heavenly armor to overcome any obstacle that prevents us from continuing on the path. Thank you for your care and protection. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, when physical, spiritual, and even emotional battles come, I recommend that you pray in the spirit at all times. Find people to help you pray. Also look for people who can help you in any situation you are living, whether it be a doctor, psychologists, pastors, friends, and other resources that exist in our days that can help you. Remember you are not alone.