The burdens

Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2.

There are times in our lives that we receive bad news from illness, unemployment, finances, family, and so many other things. So many times is our despair leads us to depression. The pain oppresses us to such an extent that many times we lose track of time and those around us. We think many times that we can no longer, and we ask ourselves “who can I trust, but above all who can help me?” So many thoughts come to us that lead us to the edge of despair. But, today I have a word for you my dear friend.

Today, I want to tell you that there is a solution to your situation, whatever it is. Maybe the weight of your cross is heavy. Even Jesus on the way to Calvary carried the cross that in the midst of physical pain, in the midst of hellish heat, in the midst of the crowd shouting at him and how he felt, how his heavy cross leads him to take short and fallen steps. Such was his situation that a soldier told a person to help him carry the cross. My dear friends, you may have adversities, suffering, obstacles and so many afflictions that you think you have tried everything, you have fallen and you have crawl. But, today, Jesus is the person who helps you carry your cross. The truth is that Jesus said take your cross and follow me. That is, Jesus is at the front of your cross and when you look at the front you are no longer alone, you have someone who helps you carry your cross.

Your situation begins to have another perspective. Your situation begins to improve. Your illness is no longer yours, your finances are no longer yours, your family is no longer alone, and your unemployment is no longer yours. Well, when Jesus helps you carry your cross, you begin to see answers to your prayers. You start to see healing, start seeing the blessing in your family, and start generating more money. Also, you begin to see how food arrives and begin to see how finances stabilize. Maybe, you lost your home and your job, but Jesus gives you something much better than what you had. Therefore, your cross is light again. Many may say “it is a mystery or a miracle everything that has come to me.” But, the truth is that you made an important decision and went to seek help in Jesus. Sometimes you will say it was the friend, it was my family, or someone unknown, but the truth my dear friends, those were people sent by Jesus, what we call special angels sent to help you.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, my God I want to deposit all my burdens on you. I know that if you help me carry my cross, my cross will be light. Thank you for what you are doing in my life as well as my family. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, I want to tell you that you are not alone. Seek help from people who can help you with your finances, your medical situation, family, among other things you may be living. There are a variety of doctors, therapists, psychologists, pastors, and help for women, agencies specializing in addiction, special schools, and so many other agencies that can help you.

All you have to do is talk to someone and ask for help. But, above all, pray and read the Bible, talking with God is one of the alternatives par excellence.

Never reject someone who wants to help you, think of that person as a special person sent by God.