The warrior and the strategy

And the LORD said unto Joshua, Fear not, neither be thou dismayed: take all the people of war with thee, and arise, go up to Ai: see, I have given into thy hand the king of Ai, and his people, and his city, and his land. Joshua 8: 1.

Before starting a war, there are previously strategies to achieve a goal. When evaluating the meaning of strategy:

Strategy is a plan to address an issue. A strategy consists of a series of planned actions that help to make decisions and achieve the best possible results. The strategy is aimed at achieving a goal following an action pattern. A strategy includes a series of tactics that are more concrete measures to achieve one or more objectives (

We can say that time exists, nothing should be worked quickly or lightly because the goal is to achieve victory. Therefore, a work team is required, which consists of intelligence, wisdom, both physical and technical skills, and experiences. But, above all, a planning team at all levels from top to bottom as well as from bottom to top, because the information must be clear and without a doubt to achieve the objective.

Time is an important factor in winning battles. It is not how fast we can execute, it is how well it has been planned for when the right time comes to attack the enemy. Therefore, time helps us to be patient and avoid mistakes. Therefore, a warrior has a strategy where all strategic points or coordinates are protected, with the right people, the necessary equipment, the necessary food, and the necessary water. That is, everything is very well planned and the warrior knows what to do when the time comes. The warrior is not afraid of adversity, because the warrior knows that everything has been planned, coordinated, knows what the instructions are and that the team is loyal and committed to comply with the established strategies.

A warrior is never in a hurry, does not attack with anger, takes time to meet and train continuously. A warrior always walks steadily. A warrior arrives on time because when he/she first arrives at the battlefield he/she does not feel fatigued or tired so the warrior will always be fresh and ready to face the enemy. That is why the strategies are well guarded and impenetrable to the enemy, but when the time comes it hits like lightning. My dear friends, it is time to be like a warrior. We must always be prepared. We must not make decisions lightly, a battle is not won alone but with more people by your side. The strategy is not just yours but a work team that has worked hard to achieve a goal and is to win the war.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me, Jesus, if I have taken my personal and professional matters very carelessly and have not been patient. Today, I want to learn to be patient and trust you. I recognize that a war is not won alone, but with an army and a Captain and that is you, Jesus and your angels who camp around me. Thank you for your love and protection for my life. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time not to make decisions or act carelessly. A good warrior reflects, meditates, and evaluates the pros and cons. A good warrior consults, speaks, and clarifies doubts. A good warrior rests. A good warrior recognizes when he/she is well or has failed. A good warrior knows that he/she cannot win a battle unless there is a team that supports him. But, above all, a good warrior knows how to listen and learns to forgive his/her enemy. Remember that strategy or planning is a warrior’s best weapon.