The warrior and the trust

The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love, he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

Every warrior goes through a battle. Within those battles, there are victories as well as defeats. During those battles, there are difficult moments, long and stormy days, and also nights of insomnia and doubt. But, when the warrior gets a victory, the warrior celebrates with his/her war companions the joy of that great victory. Many may say, “the war is not over”, but a battle won is a reason to recognize that he/she is alive, that he/she has the necessary strength to defeat the enemy so his/her confidence lets him/her know that tomorrow is another day.

Tomorrow may bring another battle to the warrior, but he/she has the confidence that he/she has the strength and strategies to gain other victories. The warrior remembers yesterday, that he/she doesn’t only win the battles but with a team of warriors who battled together with him/her in the war. So, celebrating each victory is a symbol of joy, of trust, and that despite the circumstances possibly tomorrow the warrior does not know if he/she wins or loses, but also the warrior recognizes that there is something supernatural that led him/her to win that battle. Therefore, the warrior is always alert even when it seems that the war is not over.

My dear friends, every day we are fighting against the adversary. But, we waste time if we think our enemy is flesh and blood. You know that the adversary is not the one you can see and touch; the enemy is the one you cannot see or touch. We fight day by day with spiritual wars, battles that we think we cannot win. But, if we do like the good warrior, we can get victories if we pray and ask the captain for the direction and strategies to win the battles we face every day. Therefore, this is how battles are won. Remember that you are not alone, there are heavenly warriors who fight with you and by your side to win your battles. Therefore, celebrate because you will win battles with the quintessential army and the captain who never loses a war, Jesus.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I ask you to be my captain and give me the wisdom from above to be able to win my battles. I recognize that everything is possible with you if you go ahead. Thank you for your protection and care. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time to put aside the trivialities. It is time to break with the normal and usual. When it’s all over and you think you lost, I want to tell you that was a single battle. There are many more battles to win. Change strategies, how do you change strategy? Place your gaze and trust in Jesus.