The warrior

So Joshua and his entire army, including his best warriors, left Gilgal and set out for Gibeon. Joshua 10:7-14.

Reflecting on war, we can say that without soldiers for war there are no armies. Nations or governments are measured by the power of their army. The enemies know and plan strategies to be able to defeat the opposite side. But, also the enemy can feel intimidated if the other side has a greater number of soldiers. We also know that an army is formed or gathers the best men and women with all the physical, mental, and emotional skills. So a warrior will be ready when the time comes to act before the enemy or adversary.

Therefore, a warrior always prepares before a war. A warrior learns to strengthen his/her weak areas. A warrior can have victories as well as failures. The warrior was not born knowing how to use combat weapons, so he/she makes mistakes in the course of his/her training as a warrior. A warrior recognizes that sometimes acted incorrectly and after the past of time learns that with those who acted unjustly, these people at some point will be faced again on his/her way. Hence, that warrior takes advantage of the moment to correct that injustice that he/she once did to that person. Therefore, that warrior takes every opportunity without wasting any moment that life gives him/her because a good warrior learns the value of the word courage, he/she assumes his/her responsibility and his/her gesture is worthy and not cowardly.

That’s how our lives are like a warrior. We are always on the battlefield whether physical, mental or emotional. We suffer in battle like a warrior. We win or lose. But, how good that God puts the armor of his Spirit, which allows us not to give up, learn from our mistakes and recognize our mistakes. Therefore, the armor of the Spirit allows us to be equipped as a warrior. We learn to strengthen our faith, we learn not to give up and to persevere in the midst of conflict.

We are all warriors before the experiences of life where through adversity we learn to value what we have, we learn to mold our character, and we learn that there are second opportunities which we should not hesitate but take action. But, above all, we learn to not let our guard down and stand firm, keep our eyes to the front and ensure that they do not invade our peace, and our happiness. But, above all, we learn to have peace because we are not alone in that war, Jesus is our captain, our shield, and protector.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want to start learning the skills of a warrior where my faith is strengthened and where I can keep my eyes on you, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, we are all warriors. Some of us use their skills to help and others may use their skills to hurt. Maybe with the past of time, those people that you helped are always grateful and as you cross their path they will always be willing to help you get up. And, if you were the one who hurt, and you cross their path, it’s time to be a good warrior and recognize the mistake and ask for forgiveness. Remember, tomorrow you may be the one who loses the battle.

Warrior, it is time to raise your head high, take the armor of faith and trust because the battle will never last for long. But, above all, you have the best ally by your side, Jesus. Therefore, you will obtain the victory.

I recommend, that you look for allies that help you raise your hands, pray with you and give you a word of strength. Seek help from a professional. Read the bible and pray. And, attend some church. Remember, you’re not alone, because there are thousands of warriors who accompany you with a captain who never loses a war, Jesus.