The mountain

For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Mark 11:23

When we contemplate a mountain we see its majesty. Immovable, always in the same place. When you see the mountain you can see how over time you can see greenery, drought, snow, fog, and how despite all its changes, it remains in the same place. In the distance, you can see how the mountain receives the sun in the morning and how the moon rises at night. Maybe, we ask ourselves what is there on that mountain, what is behind it, or if we can get there? Questions, which remind us that we have the power to move the mountain.

In our lives come situations that we think are like the mountain that came to surround us and stay there. Bad news comes from a relative, friend, or even in our lives. Circumstances come to the life of a person, who arrives disease and the medicine says it cannot be done anymore, there are situations of marriage that people tell you the only solution is divorce, there are financial situations that people tell you are already broke or in bankruptcy and there is no way out, there are progenies and parents who do not talk or do not visit each other for X or Y situation and no one can join them as parents and children. There are vices or addictions that we think will never go away and people say there is no remedy and you feel the abandonment. These are some mountains that we think have come to stay static in our lives. Therefore, all signs indicate that there is no way out.

Until one day, we who think or live as if God did not exist, or even have a bible in our house as an amulet, it is not until we face death that it reaches our mind like a lightning bolt that there is someone supernatural that one day you ever heard someone speak, the God of the impossible. The God who heals, restores, and liberates through faith. The God who says “he who comes to me will never be rejected” (John 6:37). You know why? because God loves you. You just have to pray, read the bible where you will find answers, and believe. He also reminds us in his word that everyone who asks the Father, he will do it (John 14:13). Everything is possible if you believe because that is faith. It is then that you can speak to your mountains and order them to move because there is nothing impossible for God.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me if I have sinned against you. Forgive me if at any time I forgot that you existed. Jesus, I’ve decided to trust you, no matter what others say. Father, you have promised that everyone who comes to you, you do not throw him out. And, that is why I come to ask you for healing, liberation, restoration in all my life and that of my family. I believe in you and what you will do in my house. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, when you understand that there is no solution, when all the resources have been completed and there is no way out, I recommend that you pray to God believing that it will be done or resolve, read the Bible and speak with people of faith within your community, work or others that you help pray. Remember that you are not alone, God loves you. You just have to believe.