In a hurry

The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, but those of everyone who is hurried, surely to poverty. Proverbs 21: 5

I do not know how many of you have experienced that we have walked in a hurry and thinking about things we should do that we forget the details. Many people in their jobs have projects or if you study you have many assignments that we lose peace and we get anxious because the final day of that task is approaching. We go to the stores or to the market and we see people stressed and even in a bad mood. Also, there are moments that we walk in a hurry, we eat in a hurry and many times we do not know the reason for so much anxiety in our lives. In a hurry…

The hurry is a disadvantage for all those who are hurried because we can have errors. Hurry causes you not to look at the people around you and their needs. Hurry makes us feel in a bad mood and even with others. Hurry does not help you recognize the work of others. Hurry causes you to lose the essential pain or joy of the other person. The hurry causes that you do not give a smile and forget to be kind to others. Hurry does not allow us to enjoy nature, the sound of birds, the caress of the wind, and even not be able to enjoy with loved ones. The hurry is a disease that has impacted our society.

It is time to take control over your life, it is time to be organized, it is time to breathe, and it is time to remember that each morning is a new day that God gives us. In situations of a hurry, it is time to stop and reflect, but above all remember that God gives us his peace in the midst of the storm. It is time to find strength and wisdom from God. Well, he says “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”(John 14:27). It is time my dear friends to break with the disease of a hurry. When evaluating the side effects of the hurry, nothing good comes from it; it leads us to poverty.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Sorry, if I’ve been in a hurry and I’ve forgotten that you’re in control of everything. You remind me that there is peace in you. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time to be more organized with your time. Prepare an agenda of the tasks you must do during the week. Do not forget to include quality time with your family and friends. Do not forget to take time out to attend a church and give thanks for life. If you were unable to complete your agenda, remember that tomorrow is another day.