The draw back

But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them, that believe to the saving of the soul. Hebrews 10:39

There are times in our lives that we remember our childhood, our joys, our sorrows and we even remember the past of where we were and where we are today. Maybe, today you have a job, you have a family, and everything is going very well for you. Or, perhaps remembering torments from the past and you cannot get out of those events that marked your life. Sometimes the mind betrays us and we think there is no solution. We are frightened of that past and we are afraid that others will find out or continue to hurt you. But, today I want to tell you that there is a solution.

I remember the biblical story of the adulterous woman (John 8: 1-11) when everyone wanted to stone her, but at that precise moment there was a person who protected her and had compassion, mercy, love, and above all forgave her sins. When all had stones in their hands to throw it at her, only He told them “Everyone who is free from sin to throw the first stone.” So, no one threw anything on her, that is, all of them had also done something not lawful at some time in their life. The most impressive thing was that the person who defended her, never judged her, he just said: “Go and do not sin anymore.”

There are times when thoughts of the past come momentarily to our mind, but we immediately remember that this person once forgave us and that is why we give thanks that we no longer walk in those steps or paths. Therefore, remembering the past does not mean that we get stuck again, but continue our journey giving thanks that we have a much better life because that person intervened for us at the exact moment where we were on the edge of the cliff and where there were fingers pointing and judging us. However, that person left everything for us. He forgave us, gave us a new life and will never judge us by our past. That person is the Almighty God, Jesus.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive my sins. Today, I want to be free of all that past that torments me. I want to be free in you, Jesus. I beg you in your name, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, I know there are times when memories of the past come to our minds, but that does not mean that you should feel guilty about your past. When you look at your present you have to thank God where you are now. No one is perfect, we have all failed once in this world, but that does not imply that God is going to judge you for it. He reminds us that our sins are forgiven, and He only tells us not to sin anymore.

Therefore, let us not be so quick to judge others, which leave it to God. Do not have stones in your hands as if you were perfect, because we are not. We live in this world full of so much adversity, so it is important to be trusting that there is something much better than our past and that everything has a new beginning in Jesus.

Seek help from a psychologist, pastor or counselor. It is healthy to talk about your past to heal wounds. And, also seek help so you can continue walking in your present and not draw back to something that hurts us. Everything that happens on this planet, God will do justice. Smile, walk forward and turn to look because there is no one who is going to stone you. Today, Jesus reminds you that he is in control of your life.