Don’t be afraid

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10.

We have lived experiences where we have been afraid. Fear … fear of the unknown and the new thing that happens every day in our lives. Remembering the childhood stage, many of us jumped, climbed the tree, threw ourselves from the top, and jumped into the river, beach or pools. Perhaps many times oblivious to the danger to a fall. On the other hand, many were perhaps afraid of the heights and their parents told them “do not be afraid I am with you, I support you, I will not let you fall. Therefore, they held us or carried us until we reached the top or they extended their arms to pick us up.

As we grow up, we are more aware of the heights and jumps which terrifies us the idea of falling. I do not know how many of you have participated in the “zip lines”, everything is an adventure, it’s a challenge, it’s something exciting, and while you’re in a group everything is “cool” until it’s time to throw yourself away. We panic, we get all nervous, hands sweat, the heart beats a million, has it happened? They are all shouting “get up, trust, we’re here waiting for you!” And, the instructor says “calm, nothing’s going to happen to you, there’s someone waiting for you on the other side.” Then, we started to say “if I stay halfway, and if …” we began to give a thousand excuses not to throw ourselves away. The instructor says to you “You know what, you must throw away or throw away because you cannot go back.” Hence, there is no other way just to trust their words and throw yourself away. While you cling to the rope, you trust that the instructor is ready to hold you and pick you up. Well, that is how Jesus is with us.

Jesus promised to be with us every day to take care of us and sustain us in whatever circumstance we are facing. When we feel that we are about to fall from the top and we think there will be no help for your life, it is when Jesus says to you: “Do not fear, because I am with you; do not be discouraged, because I am your God who will make you effort; I will always help you, I will always support you with the right hand of my justice.” Jesus will always hold you firmly and show you the way, you just have to put fear aside, trust and hear the voice of God when he tells you “Everything will be fine, rest in my arms, for I will sustain you.”

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me if I have failed you. Today, I am in front of your presence to ask you to be my protector. I recognize that you, God, is greater than anything I can face. By your side, I will always be safe. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, there are times in our lives that we have all gone through difficult situations. We have reached a point where perhaps we think there is no way out. We think that the medical diagnosis is already said, that the finances are on the verge of bankruptcy, that the marriage has no solution, that the children are going to tear it down, and so many other things. But, today I want to tell you are not alone, Jesus is in control if you let him, “God is our refuge … in moments of anguish” (Psalm 46: 1).

Seek help from a spiritual counselor, seek help from a social worker, psychologist or someone who can raise your hands. Speaking is healthy, but with the right people.