No one is better than anyone

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5: 8.

I was reading a message from a Facebook friend, and it made me reflect on the truth of life. Her message was one of inspiration where she reminds us that we all have ups and downs. So we should never lose sight of who we really are.

It is so real, that sometimes we have money for so many things and there are times when we have nothing.  All of us have a moment where we have been enjoying the blessing and other times crying because there is no longer to pay the debts. We have lost our job, we have experienced illness, death, divorce, and many other things. We can no longer afford to buy without looking at the price of the products. Before we gave without distinction of person and now we have to ask for. In times of abundance, we have friends and in times where there is nothing, there are few who call or greet you. But, the moment will come who was up, there will be time to be down. We all learn the lesson of life.

But, it’s sad how people forget where they were and what needs they went through. Therefore, this makes me reflect that words of my friend, who says “No one is better than anyone … No matter what you have, whether it’s a big house, a new car or how much money you have in the bank … we all bleed red and we all die someday. So death does not discriminate, nor should life have it.”

It is time to stop being hypocrites, it is time to stop pretending before society because in the middle of a difficult time we really know who you are, the friend or the stranger. It is time to love with freedom, to give a hand to the fallen, to help others and to serve. It’s time to leave pride aside. It is time to have sensitive and willing hearts. Today you can be fine, but tomorrow you can be in that place you never thought would not touch you. Love others as Jesus loves, He does not see your current condition but sees you as one of his children.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive my sins. Today, I want to be like you, Jesus, with a sensitive heart, have your eyes to see the need, your ears to listen to the need, your voice to give comfort, and your hands to help lift the fallen. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time, to be honest with yourselves. Find the help you need, if it is spiritual, physical or mental. Remember, you are not alone. It’s time to lift the hands of the fallen. Do not criticize or gossip because of tomorrow maybe you. Do well and do not look at who because tomorrow those people will help you.