Do not worry

But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! Luke 10:41

Many times we are busy in so many things as it is the tasks of the home, tasks of work and in so many other things that we lose the perspective of what is really important in our lives. When the day is over, we reflect and ask ourselves what we did that we missed and never fulfilled the most important thing, such as a smile to your children, playing with your children or even stop communicating and other things that seem simple, but they are of great importance in the formation of the individual. Has something similar happened to you?

By remembering the biblical story of Martha and her sister Mary, when Jesus visited them (Luke 10:38-42). Mary, listening to Jesus, left everything she was doing. However, Marta, who is so responsible for having everything up to date with her tasks, and seeing that she was doing the housework by herself, Marta complains to Jesus that Maria had left her with all the tasks. Many times we have felt like Marta, who by being so responsible with what is assigned to us here on earth, we lose perspective of the important people that are essential in our lives. I remember when there was a layoff or dismissal of employees, many of whom worked tirelessly for many years and what many said “I stop sharing with my family for giving my life to my work …” sad, right? How many of us have lived this? They stop sharing with their loved ones, they strive day after day for something in particular and ignoring that life must have a balance.

The story of Martha and Mary, Jesus reminds Martha that Mary had chosen the best part. What was that? Mary left everything and sat down to listen to Jesus. My dear friends, I do not know what your worry, possibly work, possibly family or financial worries, “bad love” as they say in my country or any other thing or event has captured your attention forgetting who you are and who is around you. We forget to breathe and exhale, we forget to smile, give a kiss, give a hug or even say “good morning”. But above all we have forgotten that there is a person who is waiting for you to run at the feet of Him and leave all your worries, He wants to let you know that you are special and there is something more important than the worries that the world offers you that is Jesus.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want you to help me day by day, I do not want to be the same man/woman full of worries. Help me to recognize that life is not just work, there are also important things like family, friends, and my health. I want, today, to place all my worries on you, Jesus, and to have the time to nourish my spiritual life. I ask you in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time to stop your worries. Time to share with your loved ones. Time to take time. The day brings 24 hours between them there are 8 hours to rest, 8 hours of work, 2 hours to attend a church and feed your spiritual life, and the rest of the hours is for you to share with your loved ones or do something that you like. Rest, relax, and smile because there are other new opportunities in your 24 hours.

Time to take a vacation and be doing what you like with your family and friends.

Time to visit your doctor and take care of your health.

Time to make a call to that person that you have not known about for a long time.

Time …( write here what you have not done for a long time because of the worries for the life you have and start taking time).