Physician of Physicians

When Jesus heard that, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Matthew 9:12.

How many of us have gone to a doctor for X or Y health situation? I think almost everyone has gone to a doctor. But, the saddest part of the case is when the news of health is not favorable for you or a loved one. To our surprise, the news takes us by surprise, our mood changes, our thoughts run at a million per second or we are paralyzed by the news, we cannot believe it. Many of us cry or even stay in a state of “shock”. And, the only question that comes out is, and now what doctor? What will I do? I did not expect this news!

We feel helpless and the truth is that we cannot do anything, only wait or follow the indicated treatment according to your health situation. Perhaps in some cases, healing is rapid or perhaps for many, it is long and expensive treatments or there is no longer life expectancy. For many people, there is no money to pay for medical treatments. But, today my dear friends, I want to tell you that there is good news, that everything is not lost, and that your health has a solution. I present to you the doctor of the doctors, Jesus. In a world full of so much science and technology, man has placed their hope in this, and we forget that he who gives wisdom and knowledge to man is God. God reminds us that it is not wrong for you to turn to the doctor and take control of your well-being, the only thing He expects is that you seek God first and ask or pray to Him. God wants your faith to grow, to trust Him like a grain of mustard.

I remember the biblical story in Matthew 5: 25-30 of the woman who had continual bleeding, that doctors for those times did not find the right treatment for her condition. The woman perhaps had already lost all hope, her health was getting worse, she had lost all her money and maybe she had no way of paying for her health expenses. Until one day, she heard about Jesus. Jesus, who had thousands of followers, who was always surrounded by people, and she only thought that if only she could touch the cloak, she would be healed. The faith of that woman was enormous, she did the impossible to approach Jesus. Therefore, being close to Jesus, among the crowd, she managed to touch the mantle. When she touched the mantle form Jesus came out power and she immediately was healed because of her faith.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, we ask your forgiveness. Today, I am in front of your presence to ask for healing in my body and in my family. Forgive me, if before turning first to you, Jesus, I have appealed to man. I know that it is not wrong to go to the doctor because you ask us to take care of your temple, which is our body. But, if I recognize that it is wrong that I have not trusted your power as a doctor. Today, doctor of doctors, Jesus, with my heart in hand, I trust in the power of your healing for my body and my loved ones. I thank you for the healing and the miracle you have done in my body. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is never too late to go to the doctor to have a general check-up. There is a solution when everything is on time. Now, no matter what medical diagnosis you receive, I want you to breathe and exhale. Remember that you believe a God of power, activate your faith. Pray and ask for prayer of healing to your friends, family, and church, because when two or more are united in His name, great things happen especially miracles.

If by chance you do not have the money to pay for medical expenses, seek help from the government, non-profit organizations, and even a payment plan in hospitals. Moreover, if you have to do a fundraiser look for help in your community. The human being is sensitive to the need of the individual and is always willing to cooperate for a fair situation or an emergency. Remember that you are not alone. Seek for help as there are community organizations among others that help meet your needs. Do research via intranet or with friends where you live from the possible agencies that may exist within your community. But, above all remember that God will never leave you or abandon you, Jesus is your doctor of doctors.