Man, the father

As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; Psalm 103: 13

I want to congratulate all the fathers in this Father’s Day. Men who have given all for their family and who remain on the battlefield to face adversities of life. May God continue to bless you, father. Today, I share an acronym written by A.L., who has previously shared its writings with us. The following acronym is dedicated to you, father.

Written by A.L.


Fatigued and tired with sweat on his forehead from

A man who love his family, you work hard and with…

Tenderness reflects unconditional love…

Honored by your children, because you have established in each one the value of

Education, you gave us your love and sacrifice your life in order to reach our dreams.

Responsible, who through his face reflects with each line of expression the fatigue and struggle you took in this life to show the world the pride of calling you … FATHER!

I love you, dad!

*The next acronym is translated from Spanish to English, therefore, it is different. Father, this is dedicated to all fathers who suffer of Alzheimer’s.

Written by A. L. 


You,  lost your sight between the journeys of so many memories…

Accelerated, you advance along that long road looking for answers and asking yourself if it was worth so many sacrifices…

Devoted to love unconditionally, left everything to receive in your arms each seed germinated with so much love … you decided that although life hit you with the absence of love and the taste of a warm hug, you wished to transform it into love, kindness, and forgiveness …

You refurbished your heart, removing the resentment for those who tried to overshadow your life … returning to life with so much passion to feel between your arms the being you call today, son/daughter…

You are my old man, my friend, you framed my life within your tender heart and today, I honor you with pride by calling you, dad!

I love you, dad!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I pray for all men who are fathers. I ask my God to help them, give them wisdom, and that they can see in you the love, protection, and provisions that you, Jesus, have always given to them. Bless them in a special way and give them the health they so much need in their lives, we ask this in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

To you, man, the father I want to thank you for the sacrifices that you have given so much sotoday your children have what once you never had. It’s time to take the time and share with your children, rest, and enjoy your family.

On the other hand to you, father who never saw your children again or abandoned them for X reason, it is time to forgive yourself and ask your children for forgiveness. It’s never too late to start over.  As long as you have life. enjoy this relationship between father and son/daughter.