Man, the husband

For as a young man marries a virgin, so shall your sons marry you; as the husband rejoices over the wife, so shall your God rejoice over you. Isaiah 62: 5

The man, the husband, who left his parents to join his wife and start his own family. The man who marries his girlfriend, and who as a husband enjoys the company of his wife. One day, the man swear before God and the witnesses to take care of the wife and surrender himself to her.He promised to be faithful, to be with her in sadness and joy, in health and in sickness, and all the days of her life, until death. But, where are the vows when the crisis arises in their relationship? When he became no longer faithful to his promise?

The promises given at the altar or in the court are a seal of commitment. These words were given by both parties and by their own will where they committed themselves to be united, in a bond of respect and love. Words that even in the middle of the crisis swore to stay together and would do the impossible to always be united until death. With time, children arrive, more work commitments arrive, and activities that consume time to the couple’s relationship. Stress, worries, the impossibility of satisfying her family among other things lead the husband to forget that once he deposited full trust in his wife, the ideal help that God gave him. Communication is the main link in any relationship and being able to feel that the other person is listening and supporting him is one of the keys to continue enjoying the company of his wife. But, above all, the affection of respect and love in your partner is essential for the relationship to remain alive as it was the first day.

When the crisis arises, it is time to make a stop, it is time to seek help, it is time to ask for forgiveness, and forgive. It is time to think where and when they left God out of the equation. Also, reflect when the relationship became two and not one. We know that the children arrive, they grow and also the time that they make their own home will come. So, your role as a husband is important because your children see, hear and know that if you have been a good husband and father, and have been an example for them, then the future of your children will be an extraordinary one. It’s time, my dear husbands, to make a stop, take the time to embrace your wife, ask for forgiveness, and rest in God because God is in control of you, husband, and your home.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if as a husband I have broken my promise to care for, protect and love the woman who is my wife. Forgive me because of my desire for life, I stop praying, stop attending church, I let you go, my God, from my home, forgive me. Today, Lord Jesus, give me a new opportunity to restore my life as a husband and reestablish my marriage vows. I ask you in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, husbands, it is time to take some time for you. Love yourself and forgive yourself. We are not perfect, but when we admit our weaknesses and ask for forgiveness from the wife, they are sensitive and they give a new opportunity. But, do not abuse the trust and forgiveness that she has given you. Respect her and love her as if it were the first time you saw her and fell in love with her. Do you remember where and how you met her? Time to take some time with her, time to love her as if it were the first time. Your husband’s role never ends, it lasts until death. Protect, respect, and love your wife like the treasure that God gave you.  Remember, age and time do not keep you from being the husband.