Military or Veteran

No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. 2 Timothy 2: 4

We, who have lived in military life can understand what happens to our loved ones once they enter and leave the military. One of the great purposes is to serve our country and be part of national security. They give their best and always meet the expectations that are expected of them based on their training. Their lives and minds are trained to fulfill a mission. But how does society see them once they leave the military, regardless of the branch of the army?

Recently, I was watching a movie in relation to the veteran’s life, how sacrificed it is as they struggle with mental, physical and emotional health conditions. As we regret that once they leave many suffer havoc during their process both in health and in their finances. How much damage they suffer that even their personal and family lives are impacted. But, what good is to know that today, there is much help for them and that they are not lonely inside or outside the military. Society views them as heroes of a nation, as people who have given all for them, so they become an important part of our society.

How beautiful it is to know that there is a population that appreciates them, that society is willing to give back everything they have done for all of us. Moreover, the families of these soldiers will never be alone. Remember, you are not alone, perhaps the processes take a little longer, but there are other aids that make it easier for you to establish yourself. Do not be afraid, it will take some time to reestablish yourself in society but the important thing is that you have always been part of this society, only now life is seeing from another perspective. Thank you for your service and your great sacrifice for humanity!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, we ask for all the military, for their lives wherever they are serving our country. Help them, protect them, and give them the health and wisdom to get well into our homes. We ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear ones, let us pray always for all the military and veterans, as well as for all those who serve our country and their lives are always at risk. Pray to God to protect them and also for their families to have the wisdom and strength so that they can understand them.

My beloved military and veterans and family you are not alone. Look for the aids that exist in your community. Do not be afraid to talk to someone when you need it. Talk to your doctor, friend, family about what is happening to you. Remember that all in time there is a solution, but above all remember that God is present to help you, the bible says “ask to me and I will answer you” so always the protection of God and his help is always available to you.