The black cloud

On the morning of the third day, there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled. Exodus 19:16

Many of us have lived a beautiful, majestic day, and for the moment when we look at the sky, which is no longer clear or bright, we see how the sky is covered with black clouds. The sky darkens and we know that the downpour soon arrives. Do not you think that the same thing happens in our life? But, today I want to bring you another perspective of the black cloud.

The black cloud, which many times we conceptualize as misfortune in our lives. And, we still see in the cartoons how the black cloud, full of lightning and downpours goes with the person, which means bad luck. Today, I want to change the way you see things. Today, after a bright and very hot day, the black cloud covered the skies. When looking at the sky, I remembered when the people of Egypt were in the desert, above them there was a cloud that protected them from the sun. Well, this makes me reflect, that the black cloud does not carry a curse but a blessing to our lives as it is to our planet since the black cloud is full of water that refreshes and fills the springs.

My dear friends, when moments come to our life we think that there is a black cloud over us; stop and tell yourself that this cloud carries a blessing on you. We can go through situations where the sun shines, which becomes very hot the day, and perhaps those unexpected things come to your life. Then, it is time to see life from another perspective because the black cloud is momentary, refreshes and makes us grow as a person. When you think the difficult time has come, it is time to say that the cloud was sent to protect us from the arduous heat and refresh the soul for better things in our lives.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me, if I have sinned when the hot day or full of clouds arrive in my life. I recognize that you, Jesus, send clouds to protect us from the arduous heat that comes into our lives. Thank you for being present in my life and for protecting me. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, we will have beautiful days and everything will be happiness and love, but other days will be sadness and pain. But, no matter what you’re going through, remember that everything is temporary. Every situation brings a lesson and we learn to value more the life, the beings that we love and everything we have.

Give thanks to God for one more day of life. And, in moments of sadness and pain, remember that you are not alone. Seek help from a counselor, pastor, psychologist, or a person who raises your hands. But, above all pray, talk to God who always keeps your secrets and does not judge you.