The Wind

He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth- the LORD God Almighty is his name. Amos 4:13

The wind blows and we do not know where it comes from. The wind, which caresses our body, is the air we breathe. It is the only one that when it blows, we stop to breathe and we allow it to enter into our system. We depend on the air, we depend on this wonderful air that makes us feel and remember that we are alive.

The wind, which we cannot touch, but nevertheless touches us and is pleased to cover us with its presence. Our hair moves according to the wind, mess up according to its will. It ruffles us, we turn to see where it came from, but even that we cannot distinguish because it blows at its will, and makes us remember who we really are, creatures of this universe.

We are vulnerable creatures, creatures that we cannot control everything. There are situations that always come into our lives like the wind that ruffles us and reminds us that we are vulnerable. It also reminds us that when we breathe we can feel pain and we can feel joy. Situations arrive that we do not know where the wind comes, situations that disrupt our life. But, there comes a time in our lives that arrives the calm and let us know that the wind has already passed. Therefore, we walk again confidently remembering that the wind will come and go, but it will also refresh us and remind us that we are alive in a universe in which we are vulnerable.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me if I have failed you. Today, I recognize that I am a vulnerable person and that I cannot solve everything alone. I thank you because you make me remember that I depend only on you and I breathe because you have allowed me to do so. Thank you, Jesus, because you are always by my side. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, I want to remind you that you are not alone. Things will come to your life like the wind, they will distress us, they will shake us, but you will stand on the boundary of victory because the wind will pass. Do not question where it comes from and why just breathe deeply and trust the process. A process that will lead us to grow in faith and walk confidently that God is in control.

My dear friends, seek help and talk to someone who can help you. Do not get discouraged because within those situations we strengthen ourselves and we learn to see life from another perspective.