The earth

You have established all the terms of the earth; you have made summer and winter. Psalm 74:17

The earth, our land, the land that was created for us to care for it, harvest it, and nourish it. The earth that one day we will return to it. The earth, which is a planet that inhabits people and living beings. The earth is the opposition to the sky, where it opens and forms cracks, where it is not closed or fenced and is a conductive ground of small impedance. The land that is devoid of trees and that is dedicated to planting. The earth, a planet of the solar system, which we can contemplate the abundance that produces us to be who we are today in it.

The magnificence of the earth, a place created by God that with his outstretched arm and his power created us to enjoy one of the beauties of his creation, the earth. God gave us the power to dominate the earth, limited the sky, and yet man has been able to explore beyond the horizon. The desire of human beings to love more has incapacitated them from valuing the earth and its majesty. They have exploited the natural resources that the earth produces to enrich a few and the rest of humanity cries because their lands are dry, arid, and empty.

Will there still be some humanity and compassion for our land? Will there still be people who rise up to love and harvest so that humanity can follow its course in history? Or, will the time come, that only cracks remain in the ground to remind us of the bad administrators that we are with what God gave to man? Are we still in time to do something for our land? Or, will we return to earth without having done something good for it? These are some questions in which we can meditate, and that makes us act in the current world that human beings live or the time will come that without the product of the earth we will soon cease to exist.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today we ask your forgiveness for failing you as stewards of the earth. Forgive us if, in our humanity, we have exploited natural resources to enrich a few and forget that we are all part of this land. Forgive us because we have not valued one of the most important resources, our planet, the earth. We ask forgiveness in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is never too late to do something right. The earth, our planet, and also our resource that we have available to do good. Sow, cultivate and love the earth and what we produce from it. Recycle. Sometimes we think about technology and scientific advances that we lose the essence of touching the earth and feel the benefits that arise from it. It is never too late to start doing something for our land and for the future of humanity.