Not to defile

But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. Daniel 1: 8

In the world that we live in, it is very difficult not to defile ourselves. We live in an era of so much evil, corruption and so much idolatry to the material things that the essence of life has been lost. The essence of morality, virtues, education, goodness, spirituality, and love for others. Many of those who are parents worry about their children’s future in moral, spiritual, and emotional stability. Many of the parents have paid or are paying for high education costs to at least guarantee welfare for their children. But, in spite of everything you give your children when they are in their world and in the world around them, what will prevent them from not defile?

We remember the story of Daniel when he and his three companions decided not to defile themselves. Daniel proposed in his heart not to defile himself with food or wine of the king. Even so, their names were changed, but it does not prevent being who they were, children of God. They had the courage to say no to the customs of the other people, they never lost their identity or faith in their God. What was the secret of these four young people despite not being in their city, with their families and friends, and not being able to attend their church? The teaching of a solid Christian foundation, a personal encounter with God, and unshakable faith.

There are difficult moments in our lives and in those of our children where faith, values, and convictions are proven, but it is necessary that we do not contaminate ourselves. It is important to be different and unique to the world around us. Daniel and his companions decided to be different from the other young people, what was the result of being different? God blessed them; He gave them more knowledge and intelligence in all letters and sciences, placing Daniel as governor and the other comrades were placed over the businesses of the province of Babylon. When we decide not to defile, keep our convictions, and believe God; everything goes very well in all areas of our lives.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if at some point in my life I have hesitated and have lowered my guard against the temptations that the world offers. I want to recognize that you are my God. I recognize that without you I am nothing and that what I have been had been for your love and for your grace. Today, I want to be like Daniel and his colleagues not to defile and say no. Thank you for your love, for your care, and protection in my life. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is not easy to not run away from temptations. That is why I advise you to stay away from things that cause you to defile yourself. I recommend that you walk with people of Christian values and convictions. Stay away from negative people, who contain some type of vice that you already left. Run, move away from those places that provoke temptations that do not lead to anything good. But, above all, look for help, pray, read the Bible, and attend a church.