You give life to the Faith (Part II)

For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 1 John 5: 4

Faith, a word so small and at the same time so powerful. Faith is defined by the as “belief in something without the need to have been confirmed by experience or reason, or demonstrated by science.” Therefore, by having a spirit of faith, we believe, we talk, and we share our belief with others. When we go through tribulations, it is when we begin to activate the faith. We do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen, because the things that are seen are temporary, but the things that are not seen are eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18), that is called faith.

When you are a child of God through faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:26), then there is freedom where the Spirit of God is (2 Corinthians 3:17) to manifest itself in your life. There will be no doubt, there will be no fear because your God and my God are present when you activate your faith in Him. Therefore, everyone who believes and loves overcomes obstacles, overcomes negative words, overcomes medical diagnoses, overcomes addiction, overcomes the fears of the past, the world that tells you there is no solution to your marriage, there is no solution for your children, there is no solution for your bankruptcy, and everything they see around you as well as they think that everything is a failure. But, today I have good news!

The Spirit of God says “your faith has saved you, your faith has overcome the world.” In Christ, there is hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). Raise your hands in victory. For everyone who believes in Him will never be ashamed (Romans 8:11). Everyone who has faith, John 10:10 says that God has not come to steal, kill, and destroy but that He came to give life and to have it in abundance. You only have to believe in Him, because only you give life to your faith. It is then, that everything works for good in the Lord Jesus. Activating your faith only takes to believe and it will be done.

Prayer: Open your heart

I come before you my God to ask forgiveness for my sins. Forgive me. Today, I am in front of your presence to thank you because I know that although my physical eyes tell me the opposite and the world tells me the same, I believe in you, Jesus. You conquered the world and me, as your child, know that I will also defeat the world because I believe in your promises. Help me to keep my faith active in the midst of my circumstances. I ask you in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

Time to believe God and believe in his promises. This week activate your faith, just believe and give thanks for what Jesus is doing in you and in your family. Everything will pass soon and you will write a new story in your life. I recommend you to pray, look for a group of supports who can raise your hands when they get tired. Trust the process because you will soon leave the tunnel. Do you believe it? That is faith!