Step by Step

Direct my steps by your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me. Psalm 119:133.

Step by step, we all reach the goal. Sometimes the circumstances of life lead us to run and jump part of the processes of our lives because we think that the previous step is not important. But, you know something? When we reach the final goal by running or by skipping certain steps of our life we slip once we are up. Then, we wonder why we fall or slipped. Today, I have the answer.

You know my dear friends, when we were children we started to crawl and the next step was to take the first steps and fall. Then, our parents take you by the hand and take you to step by step until we begin to walk solidly. Well, this is how our life should be, step by step, that is, one day at a time. It is important to solve the day you live and live it fully because the next day is a different day. When we are walking, we faced difficult situations but, when we allow God to take us by the hand, He is in charge of guiding you until you can walk alone. I want to remind you that you will never be alone.

Do not allow more adverse situations to dominate your thoughts and make decisions in a hurry or carelessly. It is time to think and reflect on what happened to us in order to not slip again. It is better to take the time, even if it takes longer than usual, to correct our situation. Sometimes we take the fast road and forget the consequences that will come from not taking the time to reflect and dialogue with someone who always wants the best for you. Today, I present to you, Jesus. He cares about your condition and what you are going through, He reminds you that He will guide you step by step. The only thing Jesus asks of you is that you only follow him. You dare?

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I am in front of your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me for accelerating my steps. Today, I want to stop in this walk and place my hope in you. I recognize that only in you I can find the solution to achieve the goal that my heart desires. I ask you in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice    

My dear friends, today is a day to take time and breathe. Yes, breathe. Sometimes we walk so fast that we forget to breathe. Breathe, exhale, breathe, and exhale. How you feel? You may say, “Same”. But, you really took time to breathe and exhale which helps you release some tensions. Now, when you leave the burdens to God, you will feel peace because everything will be in control of Him. Have faith, pray, and read the Bible in it you will find words of comfort and words of guidance to reach your goals in God.