Demolishing the walls

So the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets. And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat. Joshua 6:20

There are times in our lives that walls are built that we sometimes think are so strongly built and difficult to tear down. These walls are situations that come into our life that we think we cannot pass through them nor can’t we jump those walls. We see it very difficult, even impossible. We think that there is no solution to our illness, marriage, finances, work, children, community, enemies, and even many other things that only you know for what you are going through. For other people, your situation is nothing compared to the situation they live, however, it is still your wall. So many obstacles are presented to us that we do not know what to do, but today I tell you, my dear friend, that there is a solution. What should I do to break down my wall?

I remember the biblical story of Joshua and the wall of Jericho (Joshua 6). Jericho was completely walled and well closed, making it difficult for any enemy to penetrate and even be conquered. But, one day Joshua receives instructions from God to enter this city. Which he received special instructions, which one of the instructions was to go around for six days and then on the seventh day they would give seven laps. On the seventh day, the last round of the seven laps the priests honked the horns and then Joshua gave instructions to shout and the walls were torn down.

What secrets are there in this story to knock down my wall? One of the secrets of these people was that they trust fully in God. Second, they obeyed the instructions and did not question the process. Third, they got up at dawn to pray and did not give up. Fourth, on each lap, they worshiped God as they carried the ark before them and praised God through sounding horns. Fifth, they did not open their mouths, they did not question and they continued marching. Sixth, they marched for 7 days since dawn so they did not get tired, they did not give up. Although they perhaps did not see immediate results they continued believing and marching. Seventh, the seventh day they did seven more laps instead of one lap, so their bodies and feet should be super tired, but their hope was on God. On the seventh lap, they saw the glory manifested or victory. Only on the seventh lap, they were instructed to shout and the walls fell.

My dear friend, to knock down our wall no matter how hard you see it, there is hope that it will soon be overthrown. Because God has given you the instructions to keep marching until the last lap, your walls are about to fall. Do not give up, pray, and continue to believe in God. He is not a God of lies and his word does not return empty. And, above all, God goes forward as he was in the ark during the march of Jericho. Nobody will be able to face you in all the days of your life; because as it was with Moses, with Joshua and others, God will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and be brave!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me for failing you. I need to trust in you, Jesus, in each process and that every situation that I am living since I know is under your control. I know that you, Jesus, you are ahead and you will prosper me where I go. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, many times we see the wall in our lives and what we do is to demand, cry, get depressed, blame, feel defeated, we give up, and we only turn to God to reproach what happened. Yes, my dear friends, we are human. And, it is human to make mistakes, but how good God is that in his mercy and in his love He has given us his forgiveness. Then, we realize that what happened to us in our lives was due to some hasty decision, because of anger or annoyance, because we did not seek immediate help and so many other reasons. But, the important thing is to recognize our mistake and amend it, if possible.

Everything has a solution, I recommend that you to search for help and continue praying, that your prayer does not stop. Continue to believe God, that is faith. Stand up in victory and praise God. And above all, it gives a shout of joy because the walls have already fallen.