The tongue

In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. James 3: 5 (NLT).

The tongue is a part of the human organ, so small that if we could master the tongue we would be almost perfect if we can control it in every way. If we can control a horse with a small bit and a huge boat can be controlled with a small rudder, which turns the boat and can still control the boat in the presence of strong winds; then, why cannot we control our tongue and instead we have used it to pronounce something offensive and hurtful to another human being?

There is a saying that “A lie has already traveled half a world while the truth is still putting on the shoes.” My dear friend, the tongue can be used to bless or curse, you decide. When we use the tongue to curse, rumor, gossip, or even criticism, we cause the other person to feel wounded to the point of destruction. And then, we ask ourselves what happened to him/her, but you forgot that you used the tongue to curse instead of a blessing. That is why the tongue is like a flame of fire that when ignited in a forest burns the fauna and flora completely.

My dear friends, if you do not know how to control your tongue, it is possible that your life is in disarray. Sometimes we think that we have not killed anyone, we have not adulterated, we have not stolen, and we even cooperate leading us to think that we are good people. But, we forget that you have used the tongue to pronounce poisonous conversations, which its content is not a blessing, reflecting what happens in your heart.

My dear friends, it is time to change our conversation. It is time to pronounce words of kindness, of love, and of consolation. It is time to have conversations that are blessings for the lives of many people who need it at the time of their fall, in the time of their illness, in the time that their jobs falter and their finances falter. It is time to have a healthy heart and available to anyone who comes to seek words of blessing and not curse. Today, you are up and tomorrow you may be in the shoes of that person that once you cursed and hurt. It is true that we make many mistakes, but it is time that your tongue should be submitted to the control of God and therefore, you will have control over your tongue and all areas of your life. It is time for springs of fresh water to sprout from your tongue and not bitter water.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if at any time in my life I have lost the command of my tongue. Forgive me for having offended and hurt people who have been sharing with me. Forgive me for not being a friend and for not using my tongue to bless and help them. Today, Lord Jesus, I asked for your forgiveness and that as I approach the person I can receive their forgiveness. I ask you to transform my way of speaking, and that my tongue should be submitted to the control of the Holy Spirit and I can have the ability to have control over other areas of my life. I ask you in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, I know that there are people who, because of professional jealousy, envy and desires to have what others have, begin to use their tongue to curse, to tell infused rumors, gossip, and false testimonies leading the other person not to continue their professional career, to impact their family welfare, and to such an extent that the reputation of the person is affected by the cursing tongue.

But, you know something, my dear friend there is a solution. Do you know which is? Ask for forgiveness from the person you hurt, ask God for forgiveness, and talk to fix what was said before the forest is completely burned.

I recommend you to search for help such as a professional psychologist, pastors and other people that can help you with your personal situation since the frustrations of your life have led you to hurt many people with your tongue. Hence, it’s time to be in control of your life so you can bless other people.