
“Therefore, the angels are only servants, spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation.” Hebrews 1:14 (NLT).

Throughout time there has been much talk about angels and books have been written about their functions here on Earth. Many of us live fascinated by angels, but remembering that they should not be worshiped but only God. But what does the Bible say about angels?

In Hebrews 1: 5-14 (Bible) tells us that angels were created for certain purposes. Therefore, angels have three main functions:

  1. They were created to worship God. The majesty of God is great, so worshiping Him is something natural when they are in His presence. Psalm 150: 6 says “May everything that breathes praise the Lord!” Worshiping God is a natural response when you are in the presence of God. Therefore, not only angels should worship God but all creation, which also includes us here on earth.
  2. They are messengers of God. The Bible records several events where angels appear to the person as was the case of Daniel to answer prayer (Daniel 10). Also, we read in Matthew 28 when an angel appeared in the tomb where the body of Jesus was to tell his disciples that Jesus had risen. In our present, many of us have found ourselves in some situation and many times we say “you felt like an angel to help me in this or you were sent to give me a word of comfort.” God sends people (angels) to our life with a purpose and we never see them again or know about them since they were for a specific mission. Has this ever happened to you?
  3. They are servers. One of God’s purposes for angels is to be servants to those who serve God (Hebrews 1:14). There are several examples through the Bible, we read Genesis 19 when two angels rescue Lot and his family from the fury of God against Sodom and Gomorrah. Another case was in Acts 12 when an angel frees Peter from prison. Today, many of us have lived experiences that were released or protected from traffic accidents, we were moved from one city to another, and many other experiences that there is no explanation, but we only say that they are miracles. But, the truth is that God sends his angels to take care of us and protect everyone who believes and serves God.

My dear friends, it is good that even in these times many of us live spiritual experiences, which are even so incredible where science does not have an explanation. But, you and I know that in this earthly life, the spiritual world moves around us. We just have to open our eyes, ears, and mind to the spiritual world and have that special connection with God. How good it is to know that we are in the heart of God!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I ask you today for forgiveness. Allow me to be sensitive to the spiritual world. Allow me to see, hear, and feel your presence in my life. I, know that you created the angels with purposes and we thank you, my God, for their creation and the functions they have with your servants. But above all, that all your creation were created to adore you, Jesus. Thank you, my God, for your care in me and my family. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, time to be sensitive to the spiritual world. Recognize that you are in the heart of God and He takes care of you. What should I do? Well, it’s time to take some time to be quiet and pause. Meditate, talk to God, and listen to your inner voice and write. When we release the negative energy and all your burdens into the hands of God, then you are sensitive to be living in the spiritual world. Remember, you are not alone, “for God will orders his angels to protect you wherever you go” (Psalm 91:11).