Be an example

In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness. Titus 2:7.

We live in difficult times where good is said to be bad and bad is said to be good. All parents educate their children to become good people in the society we live in. Many parents educate their children with values and even take them to church because they know that the current world is very difficult. But, are you an example to them and to the people around you? Or, as a saying goes, “we preach morality in underwear?” It is good to know that God through the Bible reminds us of how we should be an example to others.

The Bible teaches and educates people to live wisely, and be an example to others and not be a stumbling block to others. How can I be an example for my family and others? My dear friends, society dictates a busy life that we do not even have time to share with the children, husband, or follow a time for a call to their parents or visit. And, it’s time to stop, pause and reflect. Who is educating your children? When you get old, who will knock on your door or call you? When your children have a difficult situation to whom they will reach or what they will look for? If you truly are an example for your children and the others around you, these are some questions to reflect on. What should I do?

We must remember that we as a personal exercise influence over others. Therefore, we must behave and live a righteous life in holiness with God. Hence, in order to carry out good behavior in front of the people around you, you must:

  • Have self-control and take your life seriously.
  • Do good actions
  • .Love the truth.
  • Look for the truth with constancy and prudence.
  • Think before you speak, your conversation should be integral.

To live a righteous and holy life we must:

  • We must represent Jesus here on earth. Jesus lived in this world and taught us to live a sinless life.
  • Be examples for our children and youth. In a society where immorality becomes good, it is time to be agents of change and let’s return to the roots of the values of our ancestors.
  • Have an irreproachable behavior. Do what is good. You should not calumny anyone and avoid complaints.
  • Be kind and show humbleness in dealing with others.

My dear friends, Jesus through his example of kindness, love, and mercy saved us. Jesus cleansed our sins on the cross of Calvary to give us a new birth and a new life through the Holy Spirit. So, we can begin today to be examples of the immense love that God has placed in all of us. Let us be an example to those around us and especially to those who are born in this world.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I stand before your presence asking for your forgiveness for my sins and for having offended you. Today, I ask you to restore my life so I can be an example for my people and the people around me. Lord Jesus, allow me to be an agent of change and be a voice for those who are born in this world. I ask you in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, sometimes we go to many people and other resources to find answers on how to do things. And, that’s not bad. But, Jesus has put us in every home a tool, the Bible. Through the Bible, we can find answers and the basic and fundamental teachings to be an example to others. I recommend you to pray and read the Bible if you can do it with all your family will be a major blessing.