Speak with Integrity

He who walks in integrity and works righteousness, and speaks truth in his heart. Psalm 15: 2.

In the times that we live, it is very important to be a person of integrity. A person of integrity knows themselves by their way of being, speaking and behaving in any situation. An integrity person is honest, sincere, and in their talk there is no vulgarity. Today, I want to share with you three important points of speaking with integrity.

An integrity person, their conversation is distinguished from others. When people speak with an integral person they feel peace, they feel comfortable, and have a good time talking with the person. Would you like to be a person that in your conversation people feel empathy and desire to continue listening to you? Well, today I want to share three important points of a person with integrity speech which are the following:

  1. There are no bad words in the vocabulary. The speech or conversation is positive and uplifting, it is not vulgar or obscene.
  2. Listen before speaking. This person pays attention to the other person’s conversation. Show interest. Understands the needs and the feelings of the other person. Therefore, a person who speak with integrity is quick to listen and slow to speak.
  3. Strive to live a life in holiness. The conversation of an integral person always aimed at encouraging and presenting solutions but above all, the conversation is directed to our Savior, Jesus. Therefore, the words of an integral person will always have the right words to give encouragement, give hope, and is a person that God uses to bring blessing to others.

Today, we live a busy and chaotic life, which many times the quality of conversation with our family, friends, colleagues, and even with the stranger is affected. From our mouth comes a curse instead of a blessing, our conversations turn into trivialities such as weather, social activities, work, news, and we even talk about our neighbor in an offensive way, often affecting the reputation of the person. But, today we do not want to continue living our superficial and empty life. What do I have to do to be an integral person and to have an integral speaking?

As an integral person you have to live a life of holiness recognizing that Jesus is part of your life. When you have that personal encounter with Jesus, your way of acting and speaking are transformed. Being different from others, our conversations are integral by what people are willing to listen to, can be encouraged, edified, and blessed in Jesus. A person with an integral speech and integral behavior develop deep friendships and have people who trust them but, above all, the integral people are effective witnesses for Jesus.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I am in front of your presence asking for your forgiveness. I am sorry for how I have led my life without integrity. Many times before my daily life I have lost the basic foundations of values ​​and reasoning, which has led me not to be a person of integrity. Today, I ask Jesus to forgive me and that my life can be transformed in you. Let the people around me to recognize the transformation you, Jesus, made on me as an integral person as well as an integrity speak. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it’s never too late to make a stop in your path. It is time to reflect, see where you have failed and correct it. For example, when you arrive from your work, do you not listen to your wife or husband and children and address them with words and actions that are offensive? In your work when people say good morning, you say “what’s good about it?” Or do your classmates, work partner or others get away from you because curses come out of your mouth or you’re always in a bad mood? These are some examples that you can correct with the help of God. I recommend that you pray, read the Bible and seek help from professional people such as psychologists, counselors, pastors or other resources that can help you in your process. It’s never too late to start over.