Between two boxes

If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. Romans 14: 8.

A few days ago I was watching television, and there was an announcement that struck me and led me to analyze the message from a perspective in our daily life. The announcement was that the human being is born and placed in a box and when we die also our body is placed in a box. But, what is in between these two boxes? Wau! I was really struck by the message, although it was a commercial one.

Today I want to share with you my dear friends this message, the truth is that yes, all of us were placed in boxes either a cradle or another type of protection or a place to rest our body. And, truthfully, when death comes our body will also be placed in a box, but what is shocking is, what are we doing in the middle of that time? Much live life, but really, are they making the most of it? Or, are they losing their lives in vain, hollow or empty things that do not fill our being and have no purpose? These are questions to reflect on.

We need time to reflect and ask ourselves, what we are doing in this world that we live in, and please do not just think about work, life is more than a secular job. Life is a whole where the spiritual, social, and emotional moves in the circle. Moreover, it is time to value all that God placed us in this present world full of trees, water, animals, flowers, birds, and many other things that remind us that we are alive and that we were born with purposes.

We navigate our lives as if we were a ship to the downs and without a horizon. My dear friends, you know that we were not procreated to be like the boat without a port or to be knocked down under the circumstances. We were born to love, to laugh, to enjoy, to be with someone, to be stable, and to live fully what God gave us on this planet. But, to be honest, our irresponsibility led us to be who we are today because we never open our ears, heart, and mind to the sensitivity of the spiritual world to be able to listen to what God really wants you to do between the two boxes.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I release all my fears in you, Jesus. Give me the wisdom to be able to walk between my two boxes, and at that time I can be useful to the society where I live and that my walk is a safe one. Let me learn to be sensitive to your voice, and to be a person with purposes here on Earth. Amen.

Friendly Advice

Friend (a) today is the day to reflect on your life. Your life is full of purposes, and many times you have asked what my purpose here is on earth. But, are you really being sensitive to your inner self, to the voice that speaks to your mind or even to a being that you do not know who speaks to you and you feel chills when it speaks to you, but even so, you do not listen. How many times has that happened to you?

The comfort zone is the easiest, but when we launch into the unknown, then the door of heaven opens to bless you in an extraordinary way. In Proverbs 19:21 (Bible) says “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails”. My Friend, it is not that you run to leave everything, you have to be wise. However, it is time for you to activate your dreams, your new plans, and projects. Provide help in your community, church or other institutions, and be a channel of blessing for so many people who need you. When we walk with purposes, the people around you will always remember you, so you will always live in their hearts and thoughts. Therefore, your life will be a legacy with purpose.

What do I need to do to be sure of my purpose here on earth? Pray, read the bible, seek help that can help you with your goals. Remember what you do between your two boxes is up to you since the Lord Jesus has always been ready to give you your blessing.