Don’t worry about anything

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6  (NLT).

We live in a world full of worries, we feel anxious, we feel stressed and we live day by day with fears. We live dominated by worries. Worry is an emotion that often leads us to be non-productive as fear invades us. A fear that arises in advance to invade our thoughts and our energy to something that often does not happen. Therefore, we live many times worried about things or imagine events without this really happening. Have you felt this way? Also, there are moments that we are going through difficult situations in our lives that we worry about. Well, today I want to share with you the antidote for worry.

The antidote for worry is prayer, talk to God. God reminds us through his word (Bible) in Jeremiah 33: 3 “Ask me and I will tell you.” In times of worry, God wants us to go to Him first. When you turn to God, he will provide you with the necessary resources to cover your needs. When we seek God’s guidance and help first, he covers us with a supernatural blessing. But what do we have to do to make this happen?

  1. Stop worrying and start praying or talking with God. For our God everything is important, do not think that because your situation is insignificant, silly or small does not deserve that we approach God to ask for help. His word says “Do not worry about anything; instead, pray for everything”. Well, dear friend, pray for that situation to our God.
  2. Speak to God about your concerns and needs. Many times we say “why I am going to ask God if he knows everything.” My dear friend, it is true He knows everything, in Matthew 6: 8 says “your Father knows what you need before you ask him ” But, he wants you to talk to him about your concerns and needs. For example, if you go to a lawyer and tell him your situation, and go to court with your case; although we know that the judge knows what your case is about, the judge requires to hear your situation because it is in this way that he can resolve the dispute. Well, the good news is that God is the judge par excellence and in every case, he wins. Friend, do not carry a burden that can be light with the help of God and the best thing is that it does not cost anything.
  3. Submit your requests with gratitude action. When you pray or talk with God, do not doubt. When you pray, thank God for what He is going to do or is doing with your situations. When you thank in advance you are believing that it is already done, that is called faith. Ephesians 3:20 says “may all the glory be to God, who can accomplish much more than we could ask for or even imagine through his great power, who acts in us.
  4. Receive and feel the peace of God. When we give thanks for all that God has done, you will receive and feel a peace in your mind and heart. Hence, God will take care of you and protect you in difficult times. John 14:27 says “I leave you a gift: peace in the mind and in the heart. And the peace that I give is a gift that the world cannot give”. So, do not be anxious or afraid.

My dear friends, I do not know what your situation is, but the next time you feel worried, anxious or afraid, talk to God and He will answer you. You do not have to grieve or distress yourself because you know the antidote for worry is prayer. When you pray you will find peace and quick response.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I come before your presence asking for your forgiveness. God, today I present to you my concern and/or situation. I feel that many times I cannot handle the load and I do not know what to do. But, today I put all the worries in your hands so I will not worry about it anymore. Therefore, I will fully trust you and trust in your promises that only in you I can live confidently because you will have absolute control of my life. Thank you for your peace and for what you will do soon in my life and in my home. Amen.

Friendly Advice

Dear friend, we are living in difficult times where concerns arise. But, you know something that by trusting the judge par excellence, God, your case will be won. I want to tell you that you should always pray and ask our God for every concern and release it into his hands. Feel the peace of God in your mind and heart, and walk in faith.

I recommend that you seek the necessary help as is a spiritual counselor, pastors, psychologists or professionals who can help you. But, above all trusting that God uses the necessary resources to help you. Remember, you are not alone!