If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:3.

Love is a feeling of affection that leads to expressing emotions for one person towards another. All at one time we have loved. We have loved our father, mother, children, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, and all those people who once we showed a deep and special love that has kept us together through time. Even after death, we maintain that feeling of love for the being that was once part of our lives. Love! How difficult is it to explain…

Over time, romantic writers have explained love in different ways. Many have written how love manifests itself in a touch, in a smile and even in a glance. Love is also expressed in the care and protection of a person. What are the most common types of love in our daily lives and in the world we live?

Below the most common types of love between people are the following:

  • Love is a feeling that has been manifested in the love of a couple that is expressed in sexuality between couples, which is known as Eros.
  • Another kind of love is the relationship between friends and family where a feeling of solidarity and brotherhood is expressed, which is known as Philia.
  • When we have a feeling of protecting and being loyal towards a person that is part of our lives, it is known as Storgé.
  • Another type of love that is well known to many of us is the Agape. This love or kind of love is one of the deepest that a human being can experience. This feeling does not look for anything in return, it forgives, there is surrender, it is patient, there is no envy, it does not bother, it suffers everything, it believes everything, it waits for everything and it supports everything. This type of love is pure. Moreover, this love does not look for anything in return, just feeling and expressing what your heart feels towards others which makes you happy.

Dear friend, love is infinite when you learn to value the sacrifice others have made for you. Love will never stop being and even more so when agape love is reflected in God’s love for humanity. What do you expect to reflect this wonderful feeling towards others and see the love of God reflected in your heart? Remember that love is reflected through a smile, a caress and a look. But above all, when you look around you will see the love through the astonishments of our creation.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I am in front of you asking you to heal my heart, a heart hurt by the circumstances of life. It has not been easy to express what I feel towards other people, but today I want to give all my burdens and all the wounds that I carry in my heart to you, Jesus, surgeon par excellence. Amen.

Friendly Advice

Dear friend, it is not easy for those of us who have suffered through love. Our heart hurts and symbolically we say that our hearts broke. And, because that someone hurt our heart we stop smiling, we stop caressing and we stop looking at the horizon and what we have around us.

Dear friend, today is the day to raise your wings and fly. Today is the day to forget (although I know it takes time), but how fast you get up so fast you will heal. Smile at life, smile at the difficult circumstances around you and still smile at that person who once hurt your heart. When you smile and laugh fully, it is like a medicine for your heart. When you laugh you are telling the world that your heart has returned to resurrect and to love fully. But, above all, you have allowed God to be your surgeon to place a new heart in you. Smile and Love fully!