A true friend

Greater love has no one than this: than to lay down one’s life for his friends. John 15:13.

Many of us have had true friends, friends in good times and bad times as a saying goes. God never intended for us to be alone. It is for this reason that we have family, siblings, wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, and especially friends. Although God wants us to come to Him in difficult times and in Him you will find a true friend.

God knows that on this earth we need friends, to help us in difficult times, to listen to us, to comfort us and to be present in all the events of our lives, and that they can also count on you at all times. Therefore, a true friend has three characteristics:

  1.  A true friend will always tell you the truth: The friend will let you know when you are wrong. A true friend cares about your spiritual, emotional and physical state (health). Proverbs 27: 9 says: “The ointment and the perfume rejoice the heart, and the sweetness of a man’s friend gives delight by hearty counsel.”
  2. A true friend is humble. If you fall, your friend will help you get up and not talk to anyone about what happened. So this friend knows that is also susceptible to fall.
  3. A true friend will help you carry the burdens. No matter what you’re going through, a friend will always be there to help you with what you need. Their helping hand will be available to take care of you, protect you, and help you with your situation. In Romans 12:15 it says: “Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.” Hence, a true friend will cry and laugh with you.”

Having a true friend these days could be difficult for many people, but you can find a true friend in Jesus. You just have to let Him enter your heart. With Jesus you can speak confidently, tell Him the most intimate secrets, and He will never judge you. Jesus is available 24/7 and you can call him at any time. He will never have excuses for you. Jesus will give you strength, wisdom from above, health, and will sustain you in times of difficulties. God is the owner of the gold and the silver (Haggai 2: 8) so you will always have everything you need. All your burdens Jesus carried on the cross of Calvary to make your cross a lighter one. What are you waiting for to give the opportunity to a true friend, Jesus?

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. I want to thank you for allowing me to have true friends here on Earth. Although, I recognize that the best friend a person can have is you, Jesus. Today, I want to place my full confidence in you and live confidently that only in you I can live fully because you will never abandon me. Amen.

A Friendly Advice

Dear friend, sometimes we say that this is my friend and we present them to other friends as our friends. Also, we have found ourselves saying that we have many friends. But, today is a day to reflect on who your true friends are.