The letter

You yourselves are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by everyone; 2 Corinthians 3.

Once I expected a letter from my father, and this letter went astray. To my surprise it was returned to the sender. Although once delivered, my father returned resend the letter. Good thing I got that second chance to read the content of it.

Sometimes, in our lives we look forward to a letter or even a call, but sometimes we miss the moment to read or listen to what the other party wants to express. In a letter can be express the feelings and what we often do not dare to say personally. Through a letter we receive well and even bad news, we receive words of encouragement, we receive words of forgiveness, and even words of love never heard. Once written those words, is what your heart feels, becomes a source of joy or even sadness.

Dear friend, perhaps today many letters are not written, but there are email, WhatsApp, text messages, Facebook and others. We have lost perspective what a letter means.

The letter means intimacy, being alone with yourself, and writing what your heart really feels and wants to express, which often needs more than one page. In a letter there are no hackers, there are no more recipients but you and the other person, and there is privacy (which has been lost over time). It is time to recover what was lost, and it is to communicate what your heart really feels without offending or belittling the being that once was part of your life before it is too late. Do not let your letter be lost and never read by the person who once formed part of you and your environment. What are you waiting to express what your heart feels!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I ask you today to forgive me and heal my wounds. I know that in you I can do everything. Let me open my heart today and be able to express what I feel to the being that once was part of my life. Help me to forgive so I can express what my heart feels. Do not let me depart from this earthly world without being able to heal and restore what was lost. I ask you in your name, Jesus. Amen.

A Friendly Advice

Hello my dear readers! How good it is to know that day by day you can read what God has put in my heart for all of you. There are moments that we live joys as well as sadness. But, how good it is to know that the love of God disturbs my heart to give you a word of faith and hope.

Writing and expressing what your heart feels is healthy because it allows you to take out what is inside you. Many times we express feelings of pain, feelings of joy, and many other things. Once we write what we feel, we feel a relief. Once we express everything in writing, we realize that it is not worthwhile to hurt the other person but to forgive them. After forgiven, we heal our wounds, and then we write another letter in which our heart is heal and we can clearly express what we want to say.

It is never too late to reflect and write what your heart feels. Send that letter to that person who has not spoken to you for a long time, who has not known anything for a long time or to that person who you want to express what your heart feels. Express them how much you miss them, that you forgive what happened and that you want to start a year with yourself free from fear, free of pain, and that you have learned to forgive yourselves.

Today is the day to take a pencil or pen and a paper to express what you carry in your heart. Once you have released your inner self, you will feel how the wind caresses you and rejuvenate your inner and outer self. Live, love, enjoy and enjoy to the fullest every moment that God allows you to live without resentments!