The heart

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. Luke 6:45

Recently I was listening to a topic regarding a cup of spilled coffee. A section of the anecdote said that a person pushed the person and his coffee spilled. Now, the question would be: what would be the action of that person? Possibly insults or possibly apologies or do not worry everything is fine? We do not know, but if we are clear what you have cultivate in your heart, you would know what would come out of the mouth.

Over time our heart is carrying so many things, but it only depends on you to every day clean up what you carry inside your heart. How? Each day have a moment and reflect alone with God and ask him to heal your wounds so that each day that you wake up you can see life from another perspective and not as the world wants you to live it.

Your heart is the source of life. So important is your heart that science tries its best to replace your sick heart with another or even medical devices to keep your heart alive. The heart is the engine of your life, and everything that comes out of your mouth reflects the emotional and spiritual state that you carry within you.

Dear friend, I do not know the status your heart today, but if your mouth leaves hurtful words or words of virtue then you will know how your heart is at that moment. The good news is that there is a doctor par excellence where the earthly doctor cannot reach, and that is Jesus. He instantaneously heals your heart and your whole being so that you can bring on the earth the fruits of the spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness (mercy), goodness, faith, and meekness (The special ability a person has to model anger and its disordered effects on itself and the environment).

How good it would be for humanity to bear in its heart the fruits of the spirit, because from its mouth would come good things for the current state that the world is living. It is only up to you to give Jesus the opportunity so that as a doctor He can work with your heart. Once the spiritual surgery is over, there will be no scars, there will be no pain and people will see that you are no longer the same, because your heart was transformed and healed. You will feel different and others will see the difference in you, because your way of speaking is the link that the love and peace of our God lives in your heart.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I ask your forgiveness. Heal my wounds and everything that I carry within me. I want to leave all my burdens and concerns to you, Jesus. Today, I want to enter to the celestial operating room so that you can do the surgery of my heart. And, I know that once you leave that operating room, I will be a person rejuvenated and with the fruits of the spirit. Allow me to transmit to others the power of your love, mercy and forgiveness. Only in you Jesus, now I can speak and act differently because you have done a permanent surgery on my heart. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

A friendly advice

Today is a day to reflect. Think dear friend, how is your heart? How can I know this? Well you know how your heart is if your mouth comes hurtful words, bad words, or words of kindness, love, or peace. It only depends on you, do not let frustration, pain, grief and many other things overtake us and transmit something that may be offensive to our fellow human beings.
When you feel impotence, ask God for direction and words of wisdom to transmit to others the message of love and hope that humanity so much wants to hear.