
The Spirit of God has made me, the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Job 33: 4.

What is life? A simple question, which we often ask ourselves, we give importance at the moment and then we forget that we once asked that question. Life. Many times we face an event in our lives, we wonder if it is enough what we have done in this Earth or is there something else to do. Well, my dear friend, if there is life there is always something extraordinary to do.

The term life has been given different meanings both scientifically and in religion. After reading several definitions there are different meanings. But, reading a bit of everything I realized that the term life exists from the moment a living being breathes or is receiving oxygen through their lungs, brain, and the body begins to have movement. This leads me to remember the reading in Genesis 2:7 when God formed a man from the dust of the ground, only man was an object until he received through his nostrils the breath which gave him life, and it was then that he became a living being.

Life was given with purpose here on Earth, and we get so complicated searching for answers in the uncertain, we get complicated. Man was created to direct and administer both the birds of the heavens, beasts, and everything created by God. God gave wisdom to man to carry out the main purpose of fruitfulness and multiplying. How complex do we do things when our reality is simple, live fully and in wisdom with what God has given us, life.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I apologize if I have offended you. Today, Lord Jesus, I recognize that we should not get too complicated thinking about the purpose and meaning of life, because life is you in me. Give me the wisdom to fulfill your purpose here on Earth. And, help me to recognize that life is composed of the wonders that human understanding often cannot understand. I give you thanks oh Almighty God for life and for everything that you have allowed us to live and be useful here on Earth. Amen.

A friendly recommendation

Today, it is a day friend to make a stop and think about your life purpose here on Earth. The year is still beginning, make a list of what you as a person can do to fulfill a proposed goal. Trust in God, all your plans should be presented to God. Read the Bible, Pray and ask for direction. What better that living day by day, thanking God for one more day of life and that God is in control of EVERYTHING.