Yea or Nay

But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. Mathew 5:37

In these days of holidays or end of the year activities many promises arise that in the long run we cannot fulfill. This is a time to reflect this year 2018, analyze what we accomplish or fail to fulfill and why. We do not want to drag the insecurities and the lamentations of what we could not fulfill in 2018. But, if we can learn from those experiences so as not to make the same mistakes.

Many times we face situations, which make it difficult for us to have an immediate response. And unfortunately, we give excuses or answers for not hurting the other person. But, the word of God is clear, that our answer is a yes or a no.

This New Year that your Yes is yes and your no is no. If you propose something, entrust it to our God, seek the necessary help and complete your goal. During the year you may face difficult situations, but remember you are not alone, there are people by your side that God has put to help you. Do not allow this 2019 that your goals be disrupted by difficult circumstances. Trust in God, He is in control and will help you fulfill your dreams.

Happy 2019 and many blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive my sins. Today I want to offer my life to you. Lord Jesus, this New Year be you directing my life and my family. Be you, Jesus, giving me the wisdom of the high, the health, and the economic well-being to be able to carry out the plans of this New Year, 2019. Do not let the circumstances of the world damage the plans that you have for me and my family. Be you, Jesus, my strong shield, my protector and my help in the tribulation. That my faith does not decrease and that I can complete any new project that you have for me and my family. Amen.

A Friendly Advice

Dear friend, today God gives us a new opportunity to start a New Year. It is never too late to start over, leave behind what did not work and give yourself the opportunity to love and live fully. Many times, we do not see what God gives us and when we open our eyes it is possibly late. Value people and all that God has allowed you to have. God will always have the best for you, do not let it escape.