Leadership (Part 2 of 7)

Moreover you shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. Exodus 18:21

Part I of the Leadership topic, we spoke or wrote about Jesus the leader by excellence. Why have I chosen Jesus as an example for this topic? Jesus remains one of the most popular leaders throughout the world. Today there are millions of followers, many religious denominations and laws that are directed or based on the basic principles of Jesus’ leadership. The authenticity, behavior, and leadership of Jesus have led him to be the leader by excellence. Many studies have identified several styles of leadership, but for this blog I will be talking or writing about 4 styles of leadership. By applying these four styles of leadership we can imitate Jesus, leader by excellence, which will lead us to be successful leaders.

In the previous blog, we asked the question: Do you want to know more about the four styles of leadership that your organization and your life can take to another level? Today, we will identify the four styles of leadership that can take your life or organization to another level. The first leadership style is situational leadership. The second leadership style is servant leadership. The third is transformational leadership and the fourth is authentic leadership. Remember that there are other types of leadership such as autocratic, laissez-faire (non-intervention style), charismatic, democratic, operational, transactional, and bureaucratic, among others. But, for this blog, it was identified 4 styles of leadership that Jesus showed on earth, so if Jesus has been recognized and studied through the ages, why not be imitators of him?

Before continuing with the topic of Leadership, I want to first define each concept. The following are:

Situational Leadership– According to Northouse (2013), situational leadership are those that recognize what employees or people need and then adapt their own style to meet those needs.

Servant leadership– Servant leadership focuses on the concerns of their followers, he/she identifies with them, places his/her followers first, empowers them, nurtures them, and helps them develop their personal abilities (Northouse, 2013).

Transformational Leadership – Creswell (2014) suggested transformational leadership is one that is part of a new leadership, which pays more attention to the charismatic and affective elements of leadership. It is a process that changes and transforms people. Additionally, this type of leadership style incorporates charismatic and visionary leadership.

Authentic leadership – The authentic leader exhibits genuine leadership, led by conviction, and is original, not a copy. Moreover, there is a reciprocal interaction between leaders and followers (Northouse, 2013)

Now that you know the definitions, the next blogs will dedicate a blog to each style of leadership. Each leadership style will be evaluated to better understand the leadership style of a man who had followers in his days to this day and beyond time, Jesus. How can we apply these leadership styles in our present to be successful leaders and understand the needs of the employee or person? When you understand your leadership style or incorporate this new style of leadership into your career and your life, you will be imitators of Jesus here on earth and wherever you go.

Remember that if you do not modify the leadership style  according to the new strategies of the organization, then you will take the organization to failure. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt a level of leadership that can take the organization to another level. Maybe it is necessary to evaluate the styles of leadership that the organization has before proceeding with the new strategies that will lead the organization to success and not to failure.

Reference: Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership Theory and Practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me if I have offended you and if I have offended those around me and mine. Today give me the wisdom to recognize my faults and improve every day. May the people around me see something different in me. That what you do with my life, I can help others. Help me to always give the best of myself, and for others to see the light of your presence in my life. Amen.

A Friendly Advice

Dear friend, I hope that these 4 styles of leadership you can incorporate into your life, in your organization, or some other event. But, above all, you can be different from others. What type of leadership do you identify or want to modify? If you still do not know, stay tuned for the next blogs under the theme Leadership.