In the cave (Part II)

And when Elijah heard it, he covered his face with his robe, and went out, and stood at the door of the cave. And behold, a voice came to him, saying, what are you doing here, Elijah? “1 Kings 19:13.

Continuing with the story of Elijah and Jezebel (read part I of the theme, In the cave), we see Elijah with fear to such a degree that he hide in a cave. Until Jehovah asks “What are you doing here, Elias?”

God tells him to go out and stand on the mountain before Jehovah. “And here is the Lord passing by, and a great and mighty wind that broke the mountains, and broke the rocks before the Lord; but Jehovah was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake; but Jehovah was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire; but Jehovah was not in the fire. And after the fire a still small voice. And when Elijah heard it, he covered his face with his robe, and went out, and stood at the door of the cave. And behold, a voice came to him, saying, What are you doing here, Elijah?” (1 Kings 19: 11-13).

Only in the quiet whistle Elijah comes out of the cave, and again gives an explanation to Jehovah “I have felt a lively zeal for Jehovah God of armies; because the children of Israel have left your covenant, have demolished your altars, and have killed your prophets with the sword; and only I am left, and they seek me to take my life “(1 Kings 19:14). So, Jehovah tells him to continue his walk and instructed him to such a degree that He tells him to anoint another prophet to take his place. Therefore, God instructs you to continue with the mission and when God understands that your mission on this earth is to be completed, then it is time to depart with God.

Dear Friend, many times we go through so many adversities that we think we are going to die. Such is our pain that we are often afraid to face the circumstances that surround us. Fear of the unknown, uncertainty and many other things that only you know. But, you know how beautiful the story of Elijah is, that only in the quiet whistle, he come out. That is, in the stillness, in the silence, in the gentle wind.

Many times in the storm we cannot hear the divine voice. Only in silence or when everything seems calm, thinking that it is the end, but … it is NOT the end. When everything seems to have collapsed, when everything has lost its reason for being, it is when God manifests itself as a wind that caresses your face and He says to you “Get out of there” “What are you doing there?” That is, your time has not yet arrived; you still have a lot to do here on earth.

What caused Elijah to leave the cave or hiding place? It was not the powerful wind, it was not the earthquake, it was not the fire, it was in the gentle and delicate whistle that he came out. Therefore, nobody comes out when there are difficult circumstances, only when the calm comes. When the silence arrives, it is the moment to have an encounter with your inner voice, it is a moment of search, introspection, time to organize and restructure better the relationships with our relatives, friends, and others.  It is a learning moment, we learn to listen and look, there is calm, there is reflection, there is creativity and new ideas flow when we learn to be quiet and learn the value of silence. But, especially in the midst of silence we learn to forgive ourselves. When there is silence is when it begins or starts something extraordinary in our lives.

Dear Friend, remember that you are not alone when you are in the middle of your desert, it is time to have an encounter with you and with God. Take advantage of your silence because beautiful things will soon come to your life. Smile, Christ loves you!

Prayer Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me because many times I have become so wrapped up in my desert that I did not know how to take advantage of the silence when it came to my life. Today, I want to hear your voice in the midst of my silence, when everything seems to be hopeless and fear invades my thoughts I want to leave my cave. I want to leave my cave when you come to my encounter to be able to feel your caresses when the wind blows and to hear your voice in the calm whistle. Help me to have an encounter with my inner self, to be able to heal my wounds and learn to forgive myself, all this I can do because your love gaze found me as I am. Amen.

A friendly advice

Dear Friend, we have all lived through situations that we have hidden, we have been frustrated and disappointed by so many factors that have happened in our lives. But, do you think it is time to get out of the cave, to stop others feed you and do things for you? It is time to leave the cave, it is time to take advantage of that moment to reflect and learn things that you had not previously visualized in you.

You are an extraordinary person with virtues and defects that make us unique before this universe that we live. It is time to listen to the voice in the midst of your silence, a voice that speaks to your mind and heart. In the storm and during the storm we all have hidden, but after the storm comes the calm. Everything ceases to be to be born something spectacular that will surprise us.

I recommend the following:

  1. When you are inside your cave, remember that you are not alone. It is time to have a moment alone with yourself and with God.
  2. Talk to God, how? Praying, it is talking to God. God is always attentive to your prayers and prayers.
  3. It is not advisable to be so long hidden, seek professional help such as psychological therapies and other resources that exist.
  4. Ask God to change your fears for courage and to continue in faith, always believing that God is in control.
  5. Remember, do not let the enemy laugh at your circumstances or about you, show them that you are a person of power and you are extraordinary because God is at the forefront as your protective shield. Therefore, you must not fear because our God is fighting the battle for you and only in Him will you see the victories.
  6. Remember, in the silence is a moment of learning, we learn to listen and look, there is calm, there is reflection, there is creativity and new ideas flow when we learn to be silent and learn the value of silence. But, especially in the midst of silence we learn to forgive ourselves. When there is silence is when it begins or starts something extraordinary in our lives.
  7. Give thanks to God that even in silence He always takes care of you and your love ones.