In the cave

“While Jezebel was killing off the LORD’s prophets, Obadiah had taken a hundred prophets and hidden them in two caves, fifty in each, and had supplied them with food and water” 1 Kings 18: 4.

In 1 Kings 18-19 we read the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal. Elijah was a high-caliber prophet as they say around here. A prophet who fulfilled the command of God and he was so nice to the presence of God that one day he was taken directly by God.One day, Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to demonstrate to the people who was the true God. The challenge was that the God who would bring down fire and consume the calf with fire, this would be the true God. And, it came to pass, that the God of Elijah, Jehovah, came down fire from heaven and burned the calf. Therefore, the altars of Baal were destroyed and the prophets of Baal were all killed.

When Queen Jezebel heard of what had happened, she got angry and sent word to Elijah that according to what her prophets died, she will do with his life. So, Elijah was afraid and escaped to Horeb where he hides in a cave. And, God asks him why he was hidden and Elijah told him that Jezebel was looking for him to kill him since she killed all the prophets of Jehovah and only he was left. (This topic will be continued in the next blog).

Dear Friend, in our lives there are many people like Jezebel looking to destroy you and such is her anger that sometimes we are afraid and we do not face the enemy. And what we do is hide before such a situation. Dear friend, you know something? Today is the time to leave your cave, your hiding place, because our God will give you the strength and wisdom to face the enemy.God will give you the necessary tools that will keep you with your head up or arise. “Who can be against us? Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect?” Well, come out of your cave or hiding place because today and always “God is the one who does you justice and makes intercession for you”. (Romans 8: 31-34).

“Do not fear, because I am with you: do not be dismayed, because I am your God; I will give you strength, I will always help you, and I will sustain you with the right hand of my justice” (Isaiah 41:10). Well, knowing this great protector, Jesus, why should you fear? Get up today and face your adversity, your enemy, your illness, your finances, your unemployment, and other things that only you and our God knows. Get out of your cave or hideout today because Jezebel does not have authority to harm the son and daughter of God.

Do you want to know more about what happened to Elijah while he was hiding? and, What can happen to us during our hiding place? Well, the next blog I’ll be continuing with part II of this topic, In the cave.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. I recognize many times that I have failed you; however, you have always been present in my life. I want to tell you my God that many times life situations make me take steps backwards and I even hide because of fear of what they will say or because I do not know how to face my enemy. Today, help me out of my hiding place that torments me so much and recognize that only in you can I fully trust because you, Jesus, will do me justice. Amen.

A friendly advice

Friend, I know it is not easy, because many times I have been in the same situation as you, in a cave or hiding place. Sometimes I think, what they will say about me, I no longer have the strength to continue my fight, I have felt that I row against the ocean and I even feel that my boat is sinking. But, then I reconsider, and I remember who I am, a daughter of God. And, if I am a child of God, why should I continue hiding? It is at that moment that I get up, shake my spirit, and continue my march trusting that God has control of my life. So, continuing my journey and facing the enemy, I have seen great victories in Christ Jesus.

Today, friend get out of your bed, shake your spirit, stand up in victory because God will take your enemies and will do you justice. Your enemy can be a financial situation, problems at work, family problems, illness, work envy, divorce, emotional and physical abuse, immigration status, and others that only you and God knows.

I recommend you:

  1. Put on the armor of God (read blog: The armor)
  2. Always pray, this is talking to God.
  3. Read the Bible, in it you will find the answers.
  4. Spiritual counseling such as pastor or minister of your Church.
  5. Marriage, psychological counseling. Financial and many other aids that exist that can be free.
  6. Always look for people who can help you and can even give you more information to help you resolve your situation. Social networks are useful.
  7. But, above all, trust fully in God, activate your faith.

Remember that Jehovah of armies will always be with you until the end of your days.