That is why I say to you: believe that you have already received everything that you are asking for in prayer, and you will get it. Mark 11:24

In difficult times we stop and stop doing what we are really called to do. When we fail, we lower our guard and forget God’s purpose for us. God reminds us that it is time to take back what God has put in our hands. Many times, we put aside the transformation that God has been working on. It is time to wake up and change the story of our lives.

God reminds us of when Paul was imprisoned (Book of Acts), even in prison he never stopped writing and encouraging the people to the purpose that God had for the whole church. With this God reminds us to never stop doing what God wants us to do. He reminds us of the story of the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5: 25-34) that no matter the conditions of her time and the obstacles she had until she came to the Master, she never stopped until she got there.

Many times, we go through situations, and we wait for God to do something for us, but the reality is that we are the ones who must act and walk towards what we want because that is faith in action. Therefore, faith without action is dead. God has always been present; it is only up to us to act on those ideas that come to mind and heart because when we act the doors open and we will know that we have God’s approval.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in your presence to put in your hands all my ideas and projects. Today I decide to walk in faith in your name, Jesus, amen.

Friendly Advice

Dear friends, I cannot deny that many times I put my hands down and pause. So, God reminds me to continue. Even when I don’t see results, I must continue because that is faith. I recommend to my friends not to stop. When everything seems difficult and you look back, you’ve really come a long way. So don’t stop. If you need help, look for it because there are always people who are willing to help you without any conditions. Remember only you are not. Trust the process that God has established for us. God does not give anything difficult or impossible to do.