Let us keep firm, without fluctuating, the profession of our hope, because faithful is the one who promised. Acts 10:23

How difficult it is to wait. If waiting is difficult, imagine waiting for results or dreams that we work so hard to achieve. Time passes and perhaps for many dreams fade. But, for others, we keep the hope that the day will come and all our dreams will come true. I want to share this reading with Barbara j. Hills titled “Some dreams take a little longer to come true”

Some dreams take a little longer to come true

Perhaps you’ve poured your heart and soul into a project, but it hasn’t flourished as you’d hoped.

It hasn’t come alive the way you know it can. It hasn’t taken on the shape of true success.

Now… don’t give up.

Sometimes one plan moves slower than another.

Sometimes it creeps and crawls along its path.

But just remember, so do caterpillars, and look at what they become!

Wait a little longer and you, too, can see that happy ending to your dreams.

Reference: Morris, G. (2003). I believe in you. SPS Studios, Colorado.

Prayer: Open your Heart

Lord Jesus help me wait in you and not in my own will. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, I know it is difficult to see the years go by and not see immediate results. But, I am sure of one thing that there are things that suit us and there are others that don’t. Keep going, don’t give up, and follow your dreams. Trust God, that everything that is for your good, it will soon come. Do not stop or be afraid, keep going!